目的 观察一次性灌胃和口腔喷雾给予鸡Ⅱ型胶原(CⅡ ) 5、10、2 0 μg/kg对小鼠痛阈的影响。 方法 采用热板法和温浴甩尾法测定小鼠的痛阈。结果 一次性灌胃给予CⅡ 5、10、2 0 μg/kg和腹腔注射哌替啶 10mg/kg可以明显升高小鼠的痛阈 ,且大剂量组 (2 0 μg/kg)较哌替啶起效快 ,维持时间长。而口腔喷雾给予上述剂量的CⅡ有提高痛阈的趋势 ,但差异无显著性。结论 口服CⅡ具有明显的镇痛作用。
Objective To investigate the effect of chicken type Ⅱ collagen(CⅡ) on pain threshold in mice. Methods Both tests of tail-flick and hot-plate were used to assess pain threshold in mice. Results Gastric administer of CⅡ(5,10,20 μg/kg) and intraperitoneal administration of dolantin(10 mg/kg) significantly increased the pain threshold . Compared with the dolantin,CⅡ(20 μg/kg) took effects more quickly and lasted long. However, spraying administration of CⅡhad increased the pain threshold but the increase was not statistically significant. Conclusion Gastric administer of CⅡhas an analgesic effect.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui