目的 探讨不同功率电凝热灼对正常猴运动区皮层所造成的形态学改变 ;探讨激光热灼猴运动区皮层青霉素致痫后的形态学改变。为治疗功能区癫痫寻求理论依据。方法 实验分两组 :每组为三只恒河猴。在电凝热灼组 :分别用 8、10、12三种输出功率 ,每间隔 5mm左右热灼一次正常猴的中央前回皮层 ,每次热灼时间 1~ 2秒。在激光热灼组 ,首先建立青霉素局限性致痫模型猴 3只 ,再激光热灼 2只 ,另 1只为对照。应用光源直径为 0 .1nm ,波长为 10 6 4nm的Nd -YAG激光 ,将输出功率设置为 4W ,每间隔 5mm左右垂直照射一次致痫区 ,每次照射 2~ 3秒。将上述两种方法热灼后的组织进行病理分析。结果 电凝热灼仅损伤脑浅表皮层结构 ,深部组织结构未见异常。激光照射可使浅表皮层断裂 ,深部组织结构变化不明显。两种方法在皮层的损伤宽度、深度上无显著性差异。手术后均未见猴的行为学异常和MRI异常。结论 适当的电凝热灼和激光照射猴脑的功能区皮层 ,可起到与MST一样的治疗功能区癫痫的效果 ,上述两种方法安全可靠 。
Objective Trying to find the morphological changes of various output powers of eletro coagulation of the normal monkey's functional cortexes and the changes of Laser of the monkey's functional epileptic foci caused by Penicillin Mrying to find the basic support of the methods to cure the functional intractable epilepsy. Methods Two parts were performed in our study with 6 monkeys .In part one various output powers, designed with 8?10?12units at regular interval 5mm apart and 2 3 seconds duration per time,were used to coagulate the monkey's functional cortexes,In part two we used 4W output power.of Nd YAG Laser,setting with 0.1mm diameter light resource and 1064 wave length,to coagulate 2 monkeys functional epileptic foci at 5mm intervals apart and 2 3 secouds duration and another one being to comparison. Pathological studies were observed for all cases post operations.Results The pathological features showed that the both methods could only damage the superficial areas of the cortexes with normal deeper structures,and the statistics showed non significant differences between them.The diet and antivities of monkey's daily living were as same as pre operations,and MRI scans were normal.Conclusions The above methods with suitable output powers are safe and effective to cure functional intractable epilepsy. The clinical principle is equal to Multiple Subpia mater Transection(MST).
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery