Instantaneous Core Uncovered Model(ICUM) common used in the world is not applicable of XiAn pulsed reactor for its characterisitics. Therefore, the True Core Uncovered Model(TCUM) which completely depict the physical process and principle of LOCA for Xi扐n pulsed reactor is established and the relevant LOCA analysis code(MCRLOCA) is developed by the Nuclear Power Institute of China. We comprehensively have analyzed and evaluated the safety of Xi扐n pulsed reactor for LOCA by using the MCRLOCA code. The calculation results of the MCRLOCA code indicates that TCUM is practical and can be used to compute all LOCA with the break on the side and on the bottom. If the diameters of the breaks are identical, the LOCA consequence of the break on the side is more serious than of the break on the bottom. Under present circumstance of XiAn pulsed reactor, safety limit can be met and the reactor is still safe even a LOCA occurs.
Nuclear Power Engineering