光干涉法可以测量物体的微小位移,提高测量微小位移的分辨率及对移动方向的自动判断,具有工程应用的实际价值. 论文首次提出电荷耦合器件(CCD)采样并与计算机结合实现对物体微位移的细分及辨向,给出原理图、程序流程图、计算机检测方法及技术指标.
The body micro displacement can be measured with the light interference method. It has actual application value to improving the measuring resolution of body micro displacement and automatically judge the direction of the moving of the body. In this article, we put forward for the first time the cooperation of CCD sample and computer to improve the measuring resolution of body micro displacement and automatically judge the direction of the moving body, giving the system principle diagram, program diagram, computer measuring method and technology features.
Journal of Wuyi University(Natural Science Edition)