从知识特性的角度出发 ,讨论企业知识流动的概念 ,提出企业知识流动的实质是企业知识的转化 ,包括 4种类型。同时指出企业知识流动可分为宏观和微观两个层次 :宏观层是企业与外部的知识流动 ,包括企业与大学、研究机构或其他企业甚至其他国家间的知识流动 ;
The characteristics of knowledge are analyzed and defines the enterprise knowledge flows are defined as the transformations of its knowledge, which include four types. The enterprise knowledge flows work on two different levels: the macroscopic level or the microcosmic level. Macroscopically, they are inter organizational knowledge flows, such as those flows among enterprises or between enterprises and universities (or institutes) while they may work as intra enterprise knowledge flows microcosmically.
Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology