

It seems all the ice and snow in moral courage - the appraisal of the moral integrity spirit of the poetry man - Zhang Xiaoxiang in the Song Dynasty
摘要 张孝祥是南宋初期词坛上影响较大的一位词人。在南宋民族矛盾沉重的特定历史时期,他主张抗金爱国,表现出坚定执著的政治信念;他不与投降派同流合污,又表现出鲜明的是非观念。同时他还以爱国之情抒以忠诚正义之志气,以恬淡之笔表达豪迈旷远之情怀。“肝胆皆冰雪”是他一生人格精神的写照。从他的事迹和创作中,我们可以体味到诗品与人品一致之关系。 Zhang Xiaoxiang is one poetry man of great influence in the poetry circle during the initial stage of the Southern Song Dynasty. During the specific stage when the national contradictions in the Southern Song Dynasty were serious, he maintained to resist the Jin Country to be the patriots, he showed the firm and inflexible political conviction, he did not wallow in the mire with the capitulationist clique, and he also showed the bright right and wrong ideas. At the same time, he expressed his loyal and faithful lofty aspiration with his patriotic feelings, he expressed the spacious and far feelings with the writing style of being quiet in mind with few desires. The'It seems all the ice and snow in moral courage can be called the true portraiture of his moral integrity spirit during his whole life. From his deeds and creative works, we can appreciate the i-dentical relation between the poetry works and the moral quality shown by Zhang Xiaoxiang.
作者 冯亚非
出处 《天津市工会管理干部学院学报》 2002年第3期41-43,共3页 Journal of Tianjin Trade Union Administrators’ College
关键词 宋代 词人 评议 张孝祥 "肝胆皆冰雪" 人格精神 Zhang Xiaoxiang It seems all the ice and snow in moral courage Moral Integrity Spirit
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