选取了反映城乡一体化的几个重要指标 ,采用灰色关联分析的方法 ,对珠江三角洲城乡一体化的区域差异以定量的方法进行研究 ,把珠江三角洲的 2 6个市县分成了 4类 ,分析了珠三角城乡一体化发展过程中的内部差异 ;用洛伦茨曲线分析了珠江三角洲各县市自 1993年以来在经济发展水平、城市化水平的发展特点以及今后可能的发展趋势。
The regional developmental differences of urban-rural integration in the Pearl River Delta are studied with quantitative method of the Grey Relation Analysis in which several indexes reflecting urban-rural integration are used 26 towns in the Pearl River Delta are divided into four types. It is shown from Rorence curves that the economic development and urbanization level in different areas have been equilibrated gradually since 1993. Their industry structures have no much difference.
Tropical Geography
20 0 1年广东省社科规划特别委托项目 ( 0 1T0 1)子课题"珠三角现代城乡一体化模式与格局研究"的部分研究成果