论述环北部湾旅游圈形成和发展的资源环境条件 ,提出以两国四方八大中心城市 ,四大旅游板块为核心 ,兼收并蓄“陆、海、边、山”优势 ,形成两个扇面 ,共树一个区域旅游形象 ,面向三大客源市场 ,协同建立东亚国际旅游区 ,并就此目标的实现 ,提出了区域制度创新、协同发展、旅游资源开发、旅游产品整合、设施配套以及旅游组织等的措施和对策。
It is inevitable that the Beibu Bay Travel Zone would be forming with economic development of the Baibei Bay rim. The factors that affect formation and development of the Beibu Bay Travel Zone are analysed, which are developing economy, sufficient and High-quality tourism resource, integration tendency of infrastructure construction, desire for regional cooperation etc. Some disadvantageous factors such as low-level economic basis, etc, are also pointed out. Then a strategic project of the Beibu Bay Travel Zone is put forward, which regards the Travel Zone as a whole involving two countries (China and Vietnam), four Travel plates (Hainan Province, coastal areas in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Zhanjiang region of Guangdong Province in China , and northeast region of Vietnam), and eight major cities (Haikou, Sanya, Zhanjiang, Beihai, Qinzhou, Fangcheng in China, and Ha Noi and Haiphong, in Vietnam. Three major tourism markets for the Zone are the circle of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, that of the Pearl River Delta including Guangdong, Hongkong and Macao, and that of southwest China including Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou provinces, and Chongqin City. Finally, some measures for development of the Beibu Bay Travel Zone are suggested.
Tropical Geography