地球物理多功能探测系统V6是中国科学院地质与地球物理所 2 0 0 0年底从加拿大凤凰公司引进的新仪器 ,它具有频点多 (62频点系列) ,抗干扰能力强 ,发射功率大 ,A/D转换 1 6位及发射与接收信号GPS(GlobePositionSystem)时钟同步等特点 ,能有效地提高纵向分辨率和测量信号的信噪比 ,为浅层精细勘探提供了保障 .V6系统在牛栏山水源八厂标准剖面的试验 ,山东莱芜业庄矿突水勘查工作等充分证明 ,V6系统能较准确地确定目的层深度 ,结合地质资料 ,可以提供含水性的判断 .
Ruggtdized multifunction V6 system was introduced by Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences from Canada Phoenix Geophysics Limited in 2000. It is one of the most powerful instruments for controlled source audio-frequency magneto-telluric exploration. It has 62 frequency series, Strong transmittal power and strong ability of anti-noise (anti-interference). It also has fast 512kHz 16-bit ADC plus minimum 8 gain bits for controlled source. The transmitter and recever are synchronized with GPS. These feature makes it has advantage of monitoring much weak effective with high vertical and horizontal resolution and high ratio of signal noise. Hence it can be used to make high precise exploration. Case studies in standart geological profile near Niulanshan water power station and in Laiwu iron mine shandon province with V6 system show that V6 system can carectly determin the depth of objective layer and the distribution and structures of water bearing stratum.
Progress in Geophysics
国家自然科学基金项目 (4 0 0 74 0 35)资助