禾本科多年生牧草宽叶雀稗适宜在福建南亚热带丘陵酸性赤红壤上生长,人工种植的宽叶雀稗群落鲜草产量峰值在8月份,为4050g·m-2,生物量峰值(干重)则出现在9月份,其中地上部1398.8 g·m-2、地下部770.8g·m-2。群落全年生长呈周期性变化,生物量波动符合Logistic曲线:y=1634.46/(1+e2.67976-1.3.369×10-2t)。根据9月份最高现存量估计,其年净第一性生产力为2169.6g·m-2·a-1。群落生长分4个阶段:缓慢增长(2~4月)、加速增长(5~6月)、减速增长(7~9月)、生长停滞和下降(10~12月)。降雨量是影响生物量的重要因素,二者呈显著线性正相关,相关系数为0.9783,回归方程为y=-74.3779+0.9480x。
Paspalum wettsteinii Hackel, a kind of perennial herbages of Graminaea, was proved to get good adaptation to hilly crimson soil in the southern part of subtropical zone in Fujian Province. Its growth curve fluctuated periodically within a year. The biomass value of above-ground part of the community reached to its highest point, 1398. 8 g m-2 in August, 1994; the under-ground part 770. 8 g m-2 in September. Biomass of the community fluctuated in accordance with the logistic curve: y=1634. 46/ (1+e2.67976-1.30369x10-2t) . The highest value of the community's fresh weights measured monthly was 4050 g m-2 (Aug. 1994) . Estimated by Peak Standing Crop in Sept. 1994, the annual NPP of the community was 2169. 6 g m-2 a-1. Through a growth analysis, the above ground part biomass of the community changes with four stages: slow increasing (Feb. -Apr. ); acceleration increasing (May-June); deceleration increasing (July-Sept. ); stagnation and descent (Oct. - Dec. ). Of all the factors that affect the biomass value, the rainfall was an important one. Their regression equation was y= - 74. 3779+0. 9480x, and the relation coefficient (r) was 0. 9783.
Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences