白玉 3号苦瓜是以T - 976 8和F - 96 4 6两个自交系配制而成的一代杂种。早熟 ,从定植到初收只需4 0d左右 ,植株雌花率和座果率都达到 85 %以上。前期单位面积产量达 80 0kg以上 ,总产量 35 0 0kg左右。平均单果重 4 2 0 g左右。果实圆筒形 ,长 2 5cm左右 ,粗 6 .5cm左右 ,果面瘤状突起粗大 ,果皮洁白、油亮 ,果肉味甘脆、微苦 ,是一抗逆性。
Baiyu No.3' is a new variety of bitter gourd which is the F 1 hybrid from T-9768 and F 1-9646. As an early maturate variety, it can be harvested 40 days after transplant. Its percentage of female flowers and fertile fruit can reach 85%. The earlier output can reach 800kg/u and the total output is about 3500 kg. The average single-fruit weight is about 420 g. About 25 cm in length and about 6.5 cm in width, the cylindrical fruit has glossy light white skin and a light bitter taste. Generally, 'Baiyu No.3' is an improved variety of bitter gourd with strong resistance and good commericial quality.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis