旨在分析平衡施肥技术及持续效应与毛竹林构成因子的关系 ,尤其注重钾肥施肥量对毛竹生长的持续效应影响。对平衡施肥毛竹进行为期 6年的观测调查 ,研究结果表明 :平衡施肥有较好的持续效应 ,毛竹林施入的肥料在当年对毛竹生长有很大的促进作用 ,在 2年后仍对毛竹生长产生影响。NPK处理的平衡施肥配方持续效应较理想 ,即在N、P两种养分同水平的条件下 ,钾肥的施量要适宜 ,每公顷施氧化钾 90kg的K1配方对笋日生长量、出笋率、毛竹胸径增粗的效果最佳。同时 ,K1配方的持续效应也是最好的 ,2 0 0 2年立竹胸径比 1997年试验前立竹胸径增加 0 .7cm ,其增长率比对照高 79.5 %。
In this paper, the relationships between the techniques, the sustained effectiveness of the balanced fertilization and composition factors of bamboo forest are studied laying emphasis on the sustained effectiveness of the applying amount of K on bamboo growth. The results of investigation on balanced fertilization bamboo forest for 6 years indicated that the applied fertilizer to bamboo could affect the investigation factors of bamboo growth in two years. It could be concluded that the effectiveness of fertilizer was sustainable in a short period. The balanced fertilization effectiveness of N 1P 1K 1 treatment was optimum in all fertilization formulae. When the application levels of N and P were the same, the applying amount of K should be appropriate, the effectiveness of the formula of K 1 on the day growth increment of spring shoot, the yield of spring shoot and increment in diameter at breast height (DBH) was the best, and the results of studies also showed that the formula of K 2 would inhibit bamboo growth.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
中国-加拿大 (PPI/PPIC)国际合作项目
Moso bamboo forest
the balanced fertilization
the sustained effectiveness