86个极早熟玉米组合在冀西北坝上高寒地区的生态适应性研究表明 ,高产组合能够较好地适应当地的生态条件 ,苗期低温下生长快 ,孕穗期有利条件下发育进程提前 ,后期灌浆时间长。同时发现 ,和北京地区相比 ,坝上高寒生态条件下玉米组合的平均双穗率提高 ,平均单株穗鲜重增加 ,平均茎粗增大 。
The studies on ecological adaptabilities of maize combinations were conducted in the cold upland of northwest Hebei province The results showed that the high_yield combinations had better adaptabilities They grew faster at low temperature during seedling stage Their developmental courses were brought forward in favorable conditions during boot stage, and their grain filling stages were longer Meanwhile, in contrary to the results in Beijing area, the average values of double_ear rate, fresh ear weight per plant and stem width were higher in the cold upland It demonstrated that the ecological conditions of this area availed to increase the yield potential and feed quality of maize
Journal of Maize Sciences