目的 :研究马鬃蛇醇提物对大鼠血清性激素水平的影响。方法 :用放射免疫法测定大鼠血清中睾酮、雌二醇及FSH含量。结果 :马鬃蛇醇提物可提高正常雄性大鼠血清睾酮 (T)水平 ,对环磷酰胺所致雄性大鼠生殖系统损伤引起的睾酮水平下降也有提高趋势 ;对环磷酰胺所致雌性大鼠生殖系统损伤引起的雌二醇水平下降有明显的提高作用 ;对正常雌性大鼠血清雌二醇 (E2 )有一定的升高趋势 ;对FSH有一定的降低作用。结论 :马鬃蛇醇提物可提高大鼠血清T、E2 水平 ,有降低FSH水平趋势 ,提示有性激素样作用。
To study the effect of alcohol extract from Calotes versilor (Dandin) on rat sex hormone level in serum. METHODS: The concentration of rat serum sex hormone was determined with radioimmunassay(RIA). RESULTS: The serum testosterone (T) level of both normal rats and genesial system injured rats that induced by cyclophosphamide was increased and the estradiol levl of genetial injured female rats induced by cyclophosphamide was raised also,the serum estradiol (E 2) level in normal femal rats was unapparently increased and FSH was decreased under the action of alcohol extract from Calotes versilor (Dandin). CONCLUSION: The alcohol extract from Calotes versilor (Dandin) can raise the serum T and E levels and has the trendency of decreasing FSH level,which implies that the alcohol extract of Caloteds versilor (Dandin) has the sex hormonic action.
Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chinese Minorities
广西卫生厅资金项目 (合同号 95 0 4)