目的 探讨饮水型地方性氟中毒患者红细胞膜蛋白组分的改变。方法 以轻重病区及改水区的氟中毒患者为观察对象。轻、重病区的平均水氟浓度为 2 .0 7、4.6 6 m g/L ,阴性对照区与改水区的平均水氟浓度 <1.0 m g/L。聚丙烯酰氨凝胶梯度电泳分析膜蛋白组分。结果 轻病区患者的红细胞相对分子质量在 49× 10 3~ 85× 10 3之间的膜蛋白含量百分比明显高于对照组 ( P <0 .0 5 )。重病区与对照区存在差异趋势。单纯改水 5年其组分改变仍没有完全恢复至正常。结论 氟对地方性氟中毒患者红细胞膜蛋白有毒作用 ,使其蛋白组分改变 ,这其中巯基 ( - SH)可能起重要的作用。
Objective To explore the percentages change of the erythrocyte membrane protein ingredients of patients with endemic fluorosis.Methods The patients from the variable areas with endemic fluorosis were regard as objects.The fluoride concentrations in drinking water on the light and heavy fluorosis areas are 2.07, 4.66 mg/L respectively and those on control area with changing drinking water source to lower fluoride concentration are under 1.0mg/L. The proteins of the human erythrocyte membrane were analyzed by 4%~20% gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate.Results The erythrocyte proteins of patients from mild group exhibited an increase in the molecular weight range of 49×103~85×103 (22.511%) which was nearly twofold greater compare to controls'(11.504%,P<0.05).There was trend of difference between the severe group'and the controls'.The percentages of the erythrocyte membrane protein ingredients still didn't return to normal after changing the water source for five years.Conclusions Fluoride of drinking water damages seriously erythrocyte membrane protein in patients with fluorosis with evidence of variation in membrane protein components. -SH may be play an important role in the damages.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
endemic fluorosis
erythrocyte membrane
protein ingredients