柴油机在冷起动和暖车以及低负荷运转时会排出大量含有未燃碳氢 (HC)的蓝烟 ,给周围环境带来很大的危害。本研究通过对一台高速直喷式柴油机进行的试验 ,得出了未燃HC排放与发动机冷却液温度之间的变化规律以及发动机转速与负荷对未燃HC排放量的影响 。
When direct injection diesel engines running from cold start or on low load, they will emitted a lot of blue smoke containing unburned hydrocarbons (HC) which are harmful to environment. This paper reports a study on the effect of the temperature of cooling liquid on HC emissions from DI diesel engine running from cold start. The tests were carried out on a naturally aspirated direct injection diesel engine. The results of the test can be used as the foundation for reducing HC emissions of DI diesel engine running from cold start or on low load.
Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle