为了使经常在变工况下工作的轿车发动机的性能得到最佳发挥 ,发动机的某些参数必须随发动机的工况变化而相应变化。而传统的发动机设计和参数选择都是采用折衷办法设计固定结构参数的发动机 ,难免使某些性能方面付出牺牲。调节技术可以使其性能得到最佳发挥 。
In order to elaborate the biggest potential capacity of engine for cars which often operate at the variable condition, some parameters of engine must be changed as the condition of the engine, However, Compromised methods and parameters selecting from the formerly engine designing were adopted because the parameters of the engine were non available, so the performance of the engine was not the best. Using variable technology, engine can attain the optimum performance in the variable conditions. Some examples of variable technology of engine for cars were presented in this paper.
Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle