
喷射硝化法生产硝化甘油的模拟计算 被引量:2

Simulating Computation of Injection Nitrator Producing Nitroglycerine
摘要 对喷射硝化器生产硝化甘油进行了模拟计算。在建立数学模型的过程中,提出了几点假设,计算反应进行程度时回避了传统的平衡常数法,代之以几组相平衡间的函数关系式。建立的数学模型,计算结果与实际生产情况相符。 Mathematical model about injection nitrator producing nitroglycerine is founded and several assumptions are put forth in this paper. Meanwhile, several groups of functional equations of phase equilibrium are used to calculate the degree of the reaction instead of the traditional equilibrium constant method. Running the mathematical model are simple and quick, and the results accord with actual production condition very well.
出处 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第4期185-188,共4页 Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
关键词 喷射硝化法 生产 硝化甘油 模拟计算 数学模型 含能材料 injection nitrator nitroglycerine mathematical model simulation instruction
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