当前 ,如何研究和解决公安管理体制改革问题 ,已经成为新形势下整个公安工作改革大局的关键所在。现状 :事权划分不清 ,权责脱离 ;人事管理“以块为主” ,干部管理协管乏力 ;经费得不到有效保障 ,影响公安机关正常运转。需解决的问题 :正确全面理解党对公安工作的领导 ;地方党委和政府等部门对公安工作支持与监督的问题 ;公安管理体制改革和当前法律法规的衔接与配套 ;公安体制改革必须与其他各项改革措施相配套进行。
How to solve the problems in system reforms of public security adminnistration becomes a key point in the new situation. The current condition includes the following points: rights are not connected with responsibility; personal administration lacks assistance; expenses cannot be available all the time and influence the work in the organs. The following problems are to be solved: getting a good picture of the Party's guidance to public security works; support and supervision from the local Party and government; the connection and establishment between the system reforms and the existing law.
Journal of Yunnan Public Security College