笔者以法学工作者身份应邀访日 ,对日本的警务活动、相关法律制度进行考察后引出启示 :一是法律至上是法律工作者的精神信仰与价值追求 ;二是从事法律工作的人员职业化素养极高并在社会各阶层中具有相当的权威性 ,这是推进国家法治化进程的重要保证 ;三是提高法律工作者素质的重要途径是实行法学教育与司法考试的规范化、科学化。
The author visited Japanese as a jurist in response to an invitation and gained the following enlightenment: the law enjoying the highest position is regarded as belief and value orientation by jurist; high quality and authoritativeness of jurist promotes the process of rule of law; normal and scientific juristic education and examination is an vital way to improve the quality of jurist.
Journal of Yunnan Public Security College