目的 为了解决全自动血凝仪反应转盘 (rotors)难以清洗这一难题 ,研制廉价、高效的清洗剂。方法 利用析因设计、研究介面活性剂间协同及拮抗作用 ,运用正交设计优选最佳浓度组成复合配方对使用过的转盘进行清洗 ,对再生转盘做仪器自检、相关分析及日常应用。结果 处理后旧盘与新盘对比分析各项统计学指标均无显著性差异。结论 临床应用表明 :新型清洗剂廉价、高效清洗效果佳。特别适合清洗管道狭长口径小的反应盘及仪器管道 。
Objective To develop a cheap and effective detergent for recycling coagulant analyzer rotor. Methods We have investigated co-operation effect of different surfactants with factorial experiment.At same time,we seleted optimal concentration of the soluion by the orthogonal design and comparison were made between new and used rotors.Results There was no significant difference between the two kinds of rotors.Conclusion The clinical application showed that this kind of detergent is very effective and cheap,and is particularly fit in cleaning rotors short with diameter and long lenth.
Sichuan Medical Journal