采用高温金相显微镜观察 6 5Mn钢试样在真空加热时奥氏体晶粒的变温与恒温长大现象 ,绘出了奥氏体晶粒长大动力学曲线 ;分析了奥氏体晶粒内部的退火孪晶的各种形态及孪生变形特征。依据试样表面浮凸及条带状着色的规律性变化 ,描绘了孪生变形时产生的镜面对称图象。
By means of high temperature microcope the phoromenon of athermal and isothermal growth of the austenitic grains in 65Mn steel during heating in vacuum is observed and studied.The kinetic curves of austenitic grain growth in this steel are also graphied.The twins and its morphology of annealing twin formed in the austenitic grains are oberved and analyzed,more over,we can directly skectch the mirror symetrical pattern and find out some micro shear strain from the relieve pattern on the surface of the specimen.
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