There have been different recognitions about the complex tectonic evolution and tectonic features in the area of the northern segment of the eastern part of the North China platform dating from the Mesozoic Era. Based on the plate tectonic theory, in this paper the authors put forward the viewpoint that thermo-uplift plays an important controlling role in the tectonics, especially in the evolution and the features of the covering structure in the same place, on the basis of the characteristics of the tectonic evolution in different stages, the depth information, the features of the development and distribution of the folds and fractures, as well as the magmatic activities in respect of space and time etc. within this area. Mid oceanic ridge is a high heat area in oceanic crust, along which themo-uplift zone is formed, thereby driving the oceanic crust subducting towards the continental crust, the mixing and remelting of the oceanic crust material and the lower continental crust material lead in the formation of medium-acid magma and a active core of high heat. Thereafter, the magma intrudes into covering layer accompanied by the concentration of the gases from the magma and wall rocks in the top of the intrusion body. Themo-uplift, therefore, is composed of melting body (magma) intruded into covering layer and related gases. According to the differences in the different structural positions, the authors put forward the concept and pattern of thermo-uplift in which four structural layers are classificated. 1) the thermo-uplift core structural layer, 2) the near-thermo-uplift structural layer, 3)midstructural layer,and 4) out-uplift structural layer. Meanwhile they also summarized the various fracture types of the out-uplift structural layer: 1) slide fracture structure including single slide fracture, slide nappe structure, and complex slide fracture structure, 2) thrust structure containing thrust fracture structure, thrust nappe structure and foldthrust nappe structure; and 3) slide-thrust structure. In addition the relationships of the north eastly directed thero-uplift to the east-westly trending extension to the Structural difference between the northeastly trending uplift zone and t e fault-subsided zone as well as to the larger northeastly directed nappe tectonics and graben structures are also discussed in this paper. The authors considered that the thermo-uplift structures should be vary important in the analyses of the covering structure, of some ndogenetic and some exogenic ore field structures and of the origin of some old gneiss domes.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics