
北京典型冲积平原葡萄耗水规律研究 被引量:4

The Study of Water Consumption Regularity of Grapevine Growing in Beijing Alluvial Plain
摘要 为明晰北京典型冲积平原葡萄耗水规律,为该区葡萄水分高效管理提供试验依据,利用水分监测仪器记录6年生V形篱架(行株距3 m×2 m)栽培的瑞都香玉葡萄全年不同土壤深度下的土壤相对含水量变化,利用软件计算出各土层逐小时土壤含水量的减少量,当夜间土壤含水量也在减少时,不计算为根系耗水,按下渗计,最终得出不同土层不同物候的葡萄耗水量,并与近30年北京自然月降雨量相比较,分析北京平原区典型冲积平原葡萄耗水规律。结果表明:北京平原区7-9月自然降雨量与葡萄耗水量差别巨大,量级在300 mm以上;葡萄树在生长季的前半期耗水量和日耗水强度变化明显,耗水量和日耗水强度最大期均出现在果实发育期,中后期耗水变化较平稳;浅层土壤(10~50 cm)根系耗水占比量大于深层土壤(70~110 cm),由浅入深表现出典型的对数变化趋势;根系耗水量存在时空顺序变化,浅层土壤根系主要在生长季前半期耗水,深层土壤根系主要在后期耗水。 In order to provide high efficient viticultural management in Beijing alluvial plain,we studied the water consumption regularity of grapevine growing in such areas. The experimental vineyard was located in Pinggu District,Beijing. Rain shelter cultivation,soil mulching and drip irrigation were used during the growing season,the row and plant spacing was 3 m × 2 m. By using a soil moisture sensor( Beijing Insentek Corporation) in the whole year,the soil moisture data of different depth( 10-30,0-50,50-70,70-90,90-110 cm) of six-year-old Ruiduxiangyu( Vitis vinifera) are collected. The decrement of soil moisture during day time was considered as water consumption while during night time was considered as infiltration. Followed by this logic,the water consumption of different soil layers in each phenological period were calculated; Combined with monthly precipitation during almost30 years in Beijing,we found out the regularity of grapevine water consumption. The results indicated that: From January to June,the amount of water consumption was quite close to precipitation; While during July to September that contributed 78% to the whole year's precipitation,the rainfall during these three months was 300 mm more than the water consumption. The water consumption during each phenological period were as follows: budburst was12 mm,shoot rapid growing was 24 mm,blooming was 30 mm,fruit development was 72 mm,verison was 43 mm,fruit maturation and nutrient back-flowing period were the same,about 40 mm. The daily water consumption was a-bout 1 mm from budburst to shoot rapid growing; It increased to 2. 1 mm per day during blooming and 2. 4 mm during fruit development; Then it decreased to 1. 34 m during verison and 1. 0 mm from fruit maturation and nutrient back-flowing period. During the first half of growing season,the proportion of water consumption of 10-50 cm was almost 70%; The proportion of water consumption of 50-70 cm was 8%-10% during budburst and shoot rapid growing,while maintained around 13%-19% from blooming to nutrient back-flowing period; The proportion of water consumption of 70-90 cm was 10%-14% from budburst to verison while increased to 18%-20% from fruit maturation to nutrient back-flowing period; The proportion of water consumption of 90-110 cm was only 7% from budburst to verison,while increased to above 20% from maturation to nutrient back-flowing period. In conclusion,daily water consumption changes dramatically during the first half of growing season,it remained relatively stable during the latter period; The highest daily water consumption occurred at fruit development. It presented logarithm relationship that the water consumption decreased as the depth of the soil increased. Besides,water consumption of grapevine root system showed temporal and spatial variation,shallow root system consumed much more during the former period of growing season while deep root system showed the opposite.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S1期51-56,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303133-2-2) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金资助(CARS-30-1) 科技创新能力建设专项(No.KJCX20140110) 北京市科委重大项目(No.D131100000113001)
关键词 葡萄 耗水规律 土壤相对含水量 冲积平原 Grapevine Regularity of water consumption Alluvial plain
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