摘要角色访问控制(Role Based Access Control,RBAC)的应用提高了系统易用性和健壮性。文章指出了RBAC模型在细粒度和表达能力等方面的一些缺陷,提出一种支持偏序权限建模的细粒度面向对象访问控制模型(OORBAC),能一定程度上解决解决孤立权限集合导致的变更困难、鉴权访问开销大等缺陷。
3David F. Ferraiolo,John F. Barkley,D. Richard Kuhn.??A role-based access control model and reference implementation within a corporate intranet(J)ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) . 1999 (1)
6Roshan K. Thomas and Ravi S. Sandhu. Conceptual Foundations for a Model of Task-based Authorizations. Computer Security Foundations Workshop VII, 1994. CSFW 7. 1994, 66-79.
7Ravi Sandhu and Edward Coyne. Role_based Access Control Models[J]. IEEE Computer, 1996, 29(2): 38-47.
8Stanley B Lippman and Josee Lajoie. C++ Primer 3rd Edition. Addison-Wesley. 2001.