The paper is an overall review of the taxonomical history of Oncomela- nia. It is subdivided into five sections: 1.Preface, 2.A review of the taxo- nomical history of Oncomelania, 3. The views of Chinese investigators on the taxonomy of Oncomelania, 4. Discussion and summary, 5. Abstract. The views about, and the research on, oncornelanian taxonomy of both Chinese and foreign investigators are given in detail and some brief comments are also made. Duriug the 99-years history it may be found that the taxonomy of Oncomelania has been subjectod to redivison and recombination once and aga- in and has fallen into utter confusion. But the problem of Oncomelania ta- xonomy has not yet been resolved and still awaits for deep-going research- es.The value of the chromosome number, hybridization test and morphologi- cal characteristics on the taxonomy has been discussed. A temporal conclu- sion may be made that the chromosome number can not be used as a taxon- omy mark on the level of species yet, nor is hybridization test as the sole criterion of oncomelanian taxonomy. So the morphological characteristics are still the important and valuable parameters in taxonomy. The reviewer does not agree with Burch(1966,1967) that there is only one genus and one speci- es of Oncomelania all over the world. Many evidences are presented to favor the view of more than one species. A suggestion has been made that the integrative characteristics should be adopted in subsequent taxonomical study of Oncomelania. The more data of characteristics we possess, the more scientific will be the taxonomic study. putting in a concrete way, we mean to take morphological characteristics as the basis, then, in conjunction with ecological, physiologica1, biochemical, ontogenetic, cytogenetical and zoogeo - graphical characteristics, cary out integrative and comparative study, so as to elucidate the species composition of Oncomelania and its phylogenetic relationship. This wouold be not only of theoretical interest, but also of im- portance in the prophylactical and therapeutical practice of schistosomiasis caused by Schistosorma japonicum.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University