借鉴日本“小集团学习”思想而演变的“小群体学习法” ,由于其“小社会性”和“学生学习的自主性和互动性”而深受广大体育教育工作者的青睐。研究认为运用该方法可更有效地促使体育课程改革的诸要素之间产生最佳协同效应 ,从而放大体育课程的整体功能 ,为培养合格的人才奠定良好的基础。
According to spirit of P.E teaching syllabus in high education , the core of reform in traditional P.E teaching is to change 'passive P.E' into 'active P.E', to cultivate the consciousness and interest of student in taking part in P.E teaching actively, to promote students to learn in a creative, and to leave students to self-design?self-discover?self-evaluate necessarily . This paper aims at the effective use of 'study in small group'. and also this paper require all elements in P.E teaching should work together so as to amplify the function of P.E courses . These are the base of qualified person of future society .
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education