通过对 4 3届乒乓球世界杯的综合分析 ,认为目前世界乒乓球发展正朝着竞技能力的个性化、技术构成的立体化 ,以及女子乒乓球男性化等方向发展。对此 ,提出在乒乓球训练中 ,应首先强调个性化训练 ;其次 ,注重训练的对抗性与针对性 ;此外 ,在女乒乓球运动员训练中大量借鉴男子乒乓球选手的技术 ,以提高其技术的实用性。
By analyzing the characteristic of the 45th World Cup for table-tennis , the author thinks that there are three tendence exist in developing of table-tennis movement now : first , the player's athletic ability gets more personality ,second , the skill composition gets three-dimensional , and the third , the woman player's skill just like man's . On the base of this , the author puts forward some advice on how to do all of these in our training work.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education