司马迁在《史记》中 ,对宋玉有“从容辞令 ,终莫敢直谏”的评介 ,学术界有人曲解太史公的本意 ,认为宋玉是没有气节的文人 ,我们对司马迁的宋玉评介 ,从客观依据和主观倾向两方面进行了分析 ,认为司马迁对宋玉基本是肯定的 ,“从容辞令” ,肯定了宋玉的文学才能 ,“终莫敢直谏” ,则是在肯定宋玉微谏的同时 ,对其没有达到直谏程度表示了遗憾。因而 ,以司马迁宋玉评介为据来否定宋玉人格的说法 。
In History Book,SIMA Qian appraised SONG Yu as a person who was good at the language appropriate to the occasion,but dare not advise frankly in the end.Some people in the academy misconstrued the original idea of the writer,who regarded SONG Yu as a man of letters without moral integrity.We analysed SIMA Qian's estimation about SONG Yu from two aspects,external grounds and subjective tendency,and thought that SIMA Qian approved SONG Yu on the whole.'Be good at the language appropriate to the occasion' approved SONG Yu's literary ability,however,'dare not advise frankly in the end' meant SONG Yu had not reached the degree of frank advice.Therefore,in fact it is groundless that we deny SONG Yu's personality on the basis of SIMA Qian's evaluation.
Journal of Anshan Normal University