明朝初年 ,为了稳定辽东边疆 ,决策者推行一系列有关的政策 ,吸引北部少数民族南下定居是其中之一。这个政策开始于洪武年间 ,经过永乐时期的发展和完善 ,逐渐体系化和制度化 ,它具体包括对少数民族各部落的招谕 ;供给南下定居者基本的生活资料和生产资料 ;保留官职并永远承袭 ;发给相当数量的俸禄 ;有到京师朝贡的特权 ;来去自由 ;由专门的机构进行管理等等。到天顺年间 ,这个政策基本上停止执行 ,但有些制度如官职承袭、享受俸禄、专门管理等等还在延续 。
In the early period of Ming Dynasty,in order to stabilize East Liao,a border area,the rulers made a series of relevant policies and among them was attracting the northern minorities to settle down.Begun in the years of Hongwu,the policy was developed and perfected in the period of Yongle,and gradually systematized,which included telling different tribes of the minorities to serve the ruler,offering necessities of life and production to those who settled down,reserving their previous official positions and letting them inherit them permanently,offering handsome salary,their having the privilege of coming to the capital for paying tributes,coming and going freely,and their being administered by a special organization and so on.Until the years of Tianshun,the policy had almost ceased,but some regulations were still in use until the collapse of Ming Dynasty.
Journal of Anshan Normal University