社会信息环境的变化与知识经济的发展对当代图书馆的知识组织工作提出了新的要求。图书馆应将知识组织的范围由本馆知识信息资源扩大到社会知识信息资源 ,将知识组织对象由文献单元深入至知识单元。将知识组织工作作为图书馆生产力实现的主要途径。
The change of social information environment and the development of knowledge economy make a new demand on the grouping work of library knowledge. The library should expand its knowledge grouping sphere from knowledge information resources in this library to social knowledge resources and make the knowledge organizing object penetrate from literature unit into knowledge unit. The knowledge grouping work will serve as the main channel of the achievement of library productivity.
Journal of Anshan Normal University