任何文化的源头对该文化始终具有规约性的意义。海德格尔从现象学的诠释学角度出发 ,通过对早期希腊思想的诠释 ,发现希腊思想的源始性意义是存在的“无蔽” ,这一意义在后来的形而上学传统中久被遗忘和背弃 ,于是要回到哲学之思 ,只有倾听源始 ,让存在自行显现 ,入于澄明 ,才能达到思与诗的合一 ,才能回到真正的哲学 ,也才能真正领悟人的此在。正是基于对古希腊思想的倾听 ,海德格尔扭转了传统的诠释学方向 。
Any culture has its original resource which often constraint itself. From the point of annotation, Heideger found out the original meaning of ideas of Ancient Greece derived from the Existence of Uncoverness, which was forgotten and abandoned in the philosophy of metaphysics. The united realm of poem and reflection can be reached by exploring the origin of Ancient Greek ideas and revealing the Existence. Only by this, the real philosophy could be attained and mans existence could be comprehended really. Basing on the ancient Greek ideas, the traditional annotation was changed by Martin Heideger, which pointed out the development tendency of modern philosophy.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College