近年来 ,高校学报呈现出繁荣趋势。但这种繁荣犹如绽放在悬崖上的花朵 ,是在专业学术期刊和通俗化期刊的夹缝中生存。《三峡大学学报》作为一份综合性学术刊物 ,在切实把握研究方向 ,体现学术前沿 ;开拓学术视野 ,突出地方文化特色 ;坚持社会效益原则 ,注重精神产品质量 ;利用先进技术手段 ,扩大交流渠道等方面作出了自己的努力 ,取得了良好的成绩。
In recent years, university journals are getting prosperous, but this prosperity seems like flowers in blossom on the cliff: struggling for survival between academic journals and popular journals. Three Gorges University Journal, however, is making productive achievements in that it is rightly directed, standing ahead of academy, broadening academic scope, showing local features, sticking to the principle of social effect; making use of advanced tech and expanding exchanging channels.
Journal of China Three Gorges University(Humanities & Social Sciences)