
有关成人情境学习的再认识——“学习”的概念重塑与实践共同体新隐喻的理解 被引量:2

Reflcetion on the Concept of "Learning" and the New Metaphor Practice Community——A Review of Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation
摘要 《情境学习:合法的边缘性参与》(Situated Learning:Legitimate Peripheral Participation)是美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的教育学教授莱夫(Jean Lave)和研究者温格(Etienne Wenger)合作的一本名著。该书反思了学习的概念,引入了实践共同体的"情境学习"理念,认为学习是人与周边情境,包括与其自身、团体成员等进行社会参与和互动的产物,从而丰富与完善了人类对学习这一永恒追求的话题之深刻探索,也给予研究学习为主题的教育学、心理学等领域以启示。 The book Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation is coauthored by Jean Lave,an education professor and Etienne Wenger,a researcher of the University of California,Berkeley. With the reflection of the concept of learning and introducing the situated learning concept of practice community,the book holds that learning is a product of social participation and interaction between person and the surrounding situation,including the learner and the group members,which enriches the deep exploration of the topic of learning,and giving inspiration to the the researchers of learning subject in the field of education,psychology etc.
作者 岳燕 YUE Yan(Putuo Dranch School of Shanghai Open University,Shanghai,200062)
出处 《当代继续教育》 2018年第5期51-57,共7页 Contemporary Continuing Education
关键词 情境学习 合法 边缘性参与 实践共同体 Situated learning Legitimate Peripheral participation Practice community
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