针对振荡波法检测电缆局放需停电进行的情况,提出了基于脉冲电流法的电缆局放检测方法,实现10 kV电缆局放的带电检测。提出了基于脉冲电流法的10 kV电缆局放信号识别方法,并通过实际运行电缆的局放检测工作进行了现场验证,以便将脉冲电流法应用于10 kV电缆局放检测。
Oscillation wave method must be applied to detect the cable PD in the condition of a power outage; therefore this paper proposes the PD detection technique based on pulse current method for the live 10 kV cable PD detection. 10 kV cable PD signal identification method is presented based on pulse current method,and on-site verification was conducted through the actual cable PD detection,so that the pulse current method can be applied to 10 kV cable PD detection.
East China Electric Power