Objective: To evaluate the value of ultrasound - guided biopsy of deep - located lesion in the diagnosis of lym-phoma. Methods:Twenty - one patients with solid space - occupied lesions, which including mediastinal, abdominal, liver, spleen, kidney and adrenal were referred for biopsy under ultrasound guidance using 18G or 16G biopsy gun. Pathology examination included hematoxylin and eosin staining and immunohistochemical staining. Results: Fifteen patients were diagnosed lymphoma. The rate of positive diagnosis was 71%(average), 54%(one sample), 88%(two samples)and 81%(immunostain-ing).Two patients were diagnosed by repeat biopsy,and three patients were diagnosed with lymphoma subclassification. Conclusion : Biopsy of deeply located lymphoma mass under ultrasound guidance has high diagnostic accuracy and low complication rate. Several samples, repeat biopsy and immunostaining are useful for diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine