
叶酸预防神经管畸形在相关人群中的知晓率及行为 被引量:15

Knowledge and behavior regarding of folic acid for the prevention of neural tube defeds among obstetricians, maternal and child health care providers and women at child bearing age
摘要 目的 了解妇幼卫生人员、婚检妇女和孕妇对孕前和孕早期服用叶酸预防神经管畸形的知识掌握程度及相关行为。 方法 根据不同的对象自行设计知识和行为调查问卷,由妇幼卫生人员、婚检妇女和孕妇自己填写,将结果进行x2检验和方差分析。 结果 76.7%(155/202)的妇幼卫生人员知道服用叶酸可以减少神经管畸形的发生,26.7%(54/202)的知道叶酸应当从孕前开始服用,仅有5.9%(12/202)的人知道叶酸每天摄入的适当量是0.4 mg-1 mg,34.7%(70/202)的妇幼卫生人员推荐的剂量大于1 mg;194名婚检妇女仅4人(2.1%)知道叶酸可以预防胎儿畸形,4人在服用叶酸增补剂,2人知道要从孕前服用;31.9%(67/210)的孕妇知道叶酸与神经管畸形的关系,16.2%(34/210)知道应从孕前服用,14.3%(30/210)孕妇在服用叶酸增补剂,仅4人(1.9%)真正从孕前开始服用。 结论 妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形的知识还没有得到很好的普及,叶酸的服用率低。建议培训妇幼人员(特别是县乡级人员)正确指导妇女应用叶酸的知识和能力,加大婚前教育宣传力度,增加服用叶酸预防神经管畸形知识的知晓率。 Objective To asses knowledge and related behavior of folic acid for the prevention of neural tube defects (NTDs) among obstetricians, maternal and child health care providers and women at child bearing age; and percentage of women who took folic acid before and during pregnancy. Methods Data were collected through self-administered questionaires and analyzed using Chi-square test and ANOVA. Results Among 202 interviewed obstetricians and maternal and child health care providers, 76. 7 % (155/202) knew that folic acid can reduce the occurrence of NTDs; 54 (26.7%) of them knew that it is recommended to be taken before pregnancy; Only 5. 9 % (12/202) of them had knowledge that the recommended daily dosage of folic acid supplement is between 0. 4-1 mg; 34. 7 % (70/202) of them recommended a daily dosage of 1mg. Among 194 women who were recruited and interviewed at medical examination for marriage certificate, Only 4 (2.1%) women knew that folic acid use can prevent NTDs; Two women knew it is recommended to be taken before pregnancy ' , four women were currently taking folic acid. In another 210 pregnant women who were recruited and interviewed during prenatal visit, 31. 9 % (67/210) heard that folic acid can prevent NTDs; 16. 2 % (34/210) knew that it is recommended to be taken before pregnancy; 30(14. 3 %)women were current users of folic acid among which only 4 women started taking folic acid pills before they got pregnant. Conclusion It is not well disseminated that periconceptional supplementation of folic acid can prevent NTDs. The percentage of women who took folic acid is rather low. It is recommended to train obstetricians and maternal and child health care providers in order to improve their knowledge of folic acid for the prevention of NTDs with recommended dosage; and further improve the knowledge of folic acid among women at child bearing age through appropriate education campaign.
出处 《中国优生优育(1990-2002上半年)》 2002年第2期69-73,共5页 Journal of Improving Birth Outcome and Child Development of China
关键词 叶酸 神经管畸形 知晓率 服用率 优生学 NTDS 出生缺陷 Folk acid Neural tube defect Understanding rate Using rate
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