目的 探讨孕妇血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)水平与胎盘病理的关系,寻找对绒毛膜羊膜炎的早期诊断方法。方法 无临床感染症状的足月孕妇67例,分娩时取静脉血测定IL-6水平,同时将胎盘、胎膜和脐带送病理检查。结果 22例有绒毛膜羊膜炎,45例无绒毛膜羊膜炎;有绒毛膜羊膜炎组孕妇血清IL-6水平平均为 10.34 ng/L(0~839.60 ng/L),明显高于无绒毛膜羊膜炎组的平均水平2.51 ng/L(0~527.50 ng/L,P<0.01);血清IL-6水平与是否临产不相关。 结论 足月孕妇血清IL-6水平的升高与胎盘炎症密切相关,故有望成为预测绒毛膜羊膜炎的临床指标。
Objective To study the relationship between maternal serum interleukin-6 levels and the histological chorioamnionitis, and to establish a clinical method for prompt diagnosis of histological chorioamnionitis. Methods Maternal serum interleukin-6 concentrations were measured and placentas were examined for histological chorioamnionitis for mothers at term. Results 67 mothers (22 with and 45 without chorioamnionitis) were included in the study. The sera of the mothers with histological chorioamnionitis showed a significant higher level of interleukin-6 level (10.34 ng/L) than the sera of the mothers without chorioamnionitis (2-51 ng/L, P < 0. 01). Conclusion Matenal interleylin-6 is a useful marker for histological chorioamnionitis at term.