目的 了解本地区1~6岁儿童脑性瘫痪患病状况及相关因素。方法 调查13个乡镇1~6岁的儿童6 1912人。调查内容、方法、诊断标准及质控均按“全国小儿脑瘫的流行病学及病因学研究”方案进行。结果 横县1~6岁儿童脑瘫患病率为1.62%。(100/61 912)。男童患病率高于女童,差异有显著性(P<0.01);异常出生孕周及体重儿脑瘫发生率高,与正常出生孕周及体重儿脑瘫发生率比较,差异有显著性(P<0.001);脑瘫患儿中新生儿窒息、高胆红素血症、感染和家庭分娩构成比高。结论 早产、低出生体重、新生儿窒息、新生儿高胆红素血症、新生儿感染和家庭分娩可能是儿童脑瘫的危险因素。
Objective To understand the prevalence and risk factors of encephala paralysis in Hengxian County. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 1 - 6-year children in the County by using the National Plans for Epidemiologic and Etiologic Research on Infant Encephala Paralysis. Results The overall prevalence of encephala paralysis was 1.62. perthousand (100/61 912) among children of 1 - 6-year old. Male prevalence was higher than female (P<0. 01). Encephala paralysis was more prevalent among children who were horn with low birth weight, prematurity, asphyxiation, Driscoll, infection, and were delivered at home. Conclusion Encephala paralysis prevention should target to these risk factors.