
脐血、母血血清骨钙素和降钙素含量测定及分析 被引量:1

Determination and analysis of serum osteocalcin and calcitonin in cord blood of new born infants and in puerperal blood
摘要 目的 探讨母亲分娩后和新生儿脐血中血清骨钙素(BGP)和降钙素(CT)含量的变化。方法 对分娩后早产儿母亲(20例)、分娩后足月儿母亲(30例)、早产儿(20例)、足月儿(30例)4组对象采用放射免疫方法分别测定其血清BGP、CT的含量。结果 分娩后早产儿的母亲血清骨钙素和降钙素水平与分娩后足月儿的母亲血清骨钙素和降钙素水平相比无明显差异。分娩后早产儿母亲和足月儿母亲血清骨钙素和降钙素水平低于足月儿和早产儿血清骨钙素和降钙素水平并具有明显差异。早产儿血清骨钙素明显低于足月儿,与孕龄呈线性正相关,而早产儿血清降钙素水平高于足月儿并有明显差异(P<O.01)。结论 揭示了新生儿期钙代谢和骨代谢的变化特点。对早期诊断和防治新生儿低钙血症有重要理论和临床价值。 Objective To determine serum osteocalcin and calcitonin concentrations in cord blood of new bom infants and puerperal blood. Methods One hundred people were divided into four groupes: full-term fetuses, premature infants and puerperal women of premature infants, puerperal women of full-term fetuses. Radioim-munoassay was used to measure serum osteocalcin and calcitonin levels. Results The levels of serum osteocalcin and calcitonin in puerperal women were lower than that of in premature infants and full-term fetuses. the levels of serum osteocalcin in premature infants were lower than that of in full-term fetuses. Serum osteocalcin levels in premature infants were proportional to pregnancy. Serum calcitonin levels of premature infants changed significantly compared with full-term fetuses. Conclusion Characteristic of neonatal metabolic bone and calcium is revealed. Theoretical base for deficiency of the calcium is offered.
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 2002年第6期460-462,共3页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
关键词 含量测定 脐血 母血 放射免疫法 骨钙素 降钙素 代谢性骨病 新生儿 低钙血症 cord blood maternal blood osteocalcin calcitonin radioimmunoassay
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