在日常的医疗活动中 ,不可避免地存在着医患关系的不协调性或医患冲突。医院伦理委员会的介入将有助于增加医患之间的信任度 ,体现医学人文关怀。介入的方法有主动和被动之分 ,等产生了矛盾去调解是一种被动介入 ,而医学伦理查房则是一种主动介入的方式。主动介入可以及时发现问题 ,预防矛盾的发生。在查房中发现 ,目前医务人员中普遍存在着对患者的知情同意权、隐私保护权方面关注不够的现象。提出协调医患关系的建议 :一、患者参与、共同决策。二、沟通对话。
In everyday medical treatment activities, there is unavoidable out of line or dispute between doctor and patient. The interposition of the medical ethic committee of the hospital is propitious to enhance the trust between doctor and patient, and incarnate medical human culture solicitude. There is positive and negative interposition. It is negative interposition after conflicts occur, and it's positive when doing ward investigates. Positive interposition can help you find out problems and prevent conflicts occurring. It is found out in ward investigates that it is common nowadays that medical service providers do not take the patient's right such as knowing the truth and secret keeping seriously. This article put forward suggestions to harmonize the doctor-patient relationship: first, patients enlisted, and make decision together; second, communicate and dialogize, human culture solicitude.
Chinese Medical Ethics
Medical ethics
Ward investigates
Doctor-patient relationship