Objective It's an investigation of the finding and diagnostic val ue of MRI in extrauterine pregnancy.Methods A retrospective analysis of the MR images and clinical data was made in 4 cases with extra-uterine pregnancy. All cases were confirmed by surgery and pathology. Results All lesions were found i n oviducts. Un-ruptured oviductal pregnancy represented a round hypo-intense a rea with a lower signaled center on T1WI, and a hyper-intense area on T2WI, whi le higher signal of the embryo sac wall was revealed on T2WI. In the rest 2 case s, ruptured ectopic pregnancy presented with a complicated intense mass on T1WI, where hyper-intense patches were scattered within lesion. On T2WI, the rupture d oviductal pregnancy was a mixture of iso-intense or hyper-intense components . On T2WI/IR fat suppressing sequence the hyper-intense area remained high sign al intensity. A ruptured oviductal pregnancy resulted in a larger mass with hemo rrhage found in pelvic cavity. Conclusion Extra-uterine pregnancy has characte ristic MRI manifestations, by which an accurate diagnosis is established with cl inical data.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology
Magnetic resonance imaging
Extraceterine pregnancy