目的 :了解大学新生焦虑及社交焦虑状况。方法 :采用焦虑自评量表 (SAS)、社交苦恼及回避量表(SAD)、交往焦虑量表 (IAS)、自我意识的社交焦虑量表 (SASS)对 12 1名大学新生进行测查分析。结果 :SAS显示大学新生焦虑状态检出率为 38 84 % ;SAS均分显著高于常模 ;来自于城镇、独生子女大学生 ,较之来自农村、非独生子女大学生焦虑状态更为突出 ;其他量表未显示差异。结论 :大学新生存在一定程度的焦虑情绪 ,应引起有关心理卫生工作者注意。
Objective:To investigate the Anxiety and Social Anxiety of New College Students Method: 121 New Students were investigated by SAS,SAD,IAS,SASS Result: The result of the SAS showed that incidence rate of Anxiety was 38 84%;The score of SAS of new college students was higher than modle;And the score of SAS of college students from city,single child was higher than that from village,non single child's There weren't different in other scales Conclusion: There were some anxiety in new college students
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health