The result of the classification is basic to combat tax-evasion by the customs.But due to the highly technical complexity of classification system,any dispute incurred in classification should not necessarily be deemed as the intentional tax evasion of the taxpayer.At present Regulations on Customs Administrative Penalty provides administrative penalties on frauds in classification.However,in the circumstance where the intension of the taxpayer is not clear,the controversy over the classification itself and the technical error may be considered as intentional tax evasion and be punished by the customs.The administrative penalty is an administrative act that will cause loss to the administrative counterpart.Therefore,what stance customs administrations should take in dealing with the classification errors made by taxpayer is of great significance in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the taxpayer especially in the context of classification which is full of technical complexity and uncertainty.The author thinks that we should establish the principle of"presumption of innocence"in classification and refine the prerequisite of its application,so as to fit into the characteristics of the customs administrative enforcement.
Review of Customs Law
tariff nomendature heading number
the principle for presumption of innocence