
液氨储罐事故后果模型分析及技术改造思路 被引量:8

Model analysis of liquid ammonia tank accident consequence and thinking of technical transformation
摘要 采用危险化学品重大危险源安全评价方法,通过定量计算判断并确定液氨罐区属于三级重大危险源.根据液氨储罐泄漏可能造成的典型事故后果,建立蒸气云爆炸模型,计算的蒸气云爆炸可能造成的死亡半径为4.18 m、重伤半径为16.04 m、轻伤半径为31.19 m及安全防护距离为100.4 m.通过建立有毒有害物质泄漏扩散模型,结合气象条件模拟泄漏扩散场景,进行定量分析计算,得出下风向中毒距离为312.01 m、横风向中毒距离为72.01 m及中毒区域面积为16291.70 m2.出于提升液氨储罐本质安全水平的考虑,结合最新的危险化学品重大危险源储罐安全标准和规范的要求,对液氨储罐提出技术改造思路,具体措施包括加装外贴式液位计、温度计和压力变送器;气、液两相管道增加自控阀,设置高低位液位报警连锁装置及有毒气体报警仪;增设自控启动应急喷雾吸收系统;储罐区增加视频监控;完善风向标、洗眼器及静电释放器等,并完成了技术改造工作. The safety evaluation method of major hazardous source for hazardous chemicals is adopted. Through quantitative calculation, it is judged and determined that the liquid ammonia tank area belongs to the third-class major hazardous source. According to the typical accident consequences caused by leakage of liquid ammonia storage tank. A vapor cloud explosion model was established to calculate that the death radius of the vapor cloud explosion might be 4.18 m,the serious injury radius was 16.04 m, the minor injury radius was 31.19 m and the safety protection distance was 100.4 m. Then, through the establishment of the leakage diffusion model of toxic and hazardous substances, combining with the weather conditions to simulate the leakage diffusion scene. The quantitative analysis and calculation were conducted. And the conclusion was drawn that the distance from downwind poisoning was 312.01 m,the upwind poisoning was 72.01 m, and the area of the poisoning area was 16 291.70 m2. On the other hand, in order to improve the essential safety level of liquid ammonia storage tank, combining with the latest safety standard and standard requirements of major hazardous source storage tank of hazardous chemicals. This paper puts forward the idea of technical transformation of liquid ammonia storage tank. Specific measures about the liquid ammonia storage tank include installation of external liquid level gauge, thermometer and pressure transmitter, adding automatic valve in gas and liquid two-phase pipeline, setting up high and low level liquid level alarm interlock device and toxic gas alarm instrument, adding automatic control start emergency spray absorption system, adding video monitoring to the storage tank area, improving measures such as weather vane, eye washer and electrostatic discharge device on the liquid ammonia storage tank etc. All of the technical transformation about the liquid ammonia storage tank was completed.
作者 潘东
出处 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第S1期67-71,共5页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
关键词 液氨储罐 风险评估 技术改造 liquid ammonia tank risk assessment technical transformation
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