目的 了解固定矫治过程中 ,牙釉质脱矿的发生率、好发牙齿及部位。方法 对 92例患者共 1886颗牙齿进行临床观察、记录 ,统计脱矿的发病率及病损部位。结果 92名患者中有 5 1名出现釉质脱矿现象 ,发病率为5 5 .4% ,1886颗被观察牙中有 2 3 4颗出现釉质脱矿 ,发生率为 12 .4% ,好发牙为上前牙 ,好发部位为牙颈部及托槽周围。结论 在固定矫治过程中 ,牙釉质脱矿是一个不容忽视的问题 。
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of enamel decalcification and the susceptible teeth and area in orthodontic treatment. Methods: Ninetytwo patients(1886 teeth)were observed and recorded to evaluate the incidence. Results: Enamel decalfication lesions were found in 51 patients in treatment,the incidence was 55.4%. Of the total 1886 teeth,234 teeth(12.4%) had enamel decalcification. The susceptible teeth were maxillary incisors,the area was dental cervixand that surrounding the bracket. Conclusion: Enamel decalcification should not be ignored during the orthodontic treatment. some preventive programs should be considered in orthodontic treatment, some preventive programs should be considered in orthodontic clinic.
Hainan Medical Journal