为对比研究不同水文模型在滦河流域的模拟精度,分别选取垂向混合产流模型和VIC模型,以滦河滦县水文站以上流域为研究流域,基于滦县水文站1980—1989年水文资料,对比分析不同水文模型的模拟精度,并在此基础上,定量分析不同蒸发输入和不同计算时段对水文模型模拟的影响。研究结果表明:垂向混合产流模型相比于VIC模型,在滦河流域具有更好的适用性,日模拟相对误差均小于VIC模拟的相对误差,且确定性系数均高于VIC模型;时段步长为0.5 h的次洪模拟,不论是在洪峰峰值模拟还是整个洪峰过程的拟合程度方面模拟精度都要优于计算步长为1 h的次洪模拟;运用Penman-Monteith公式计算的潜在蒸散发作为垂向混合产流模型蒸发输入,模拟的日径流过程总体上优于运用实测蒸发皿蒸发作为蒸发输入的模拟精度。模型的研究成果可以为滦河流域水文模拟和模型研究提供参考价值。
Based on the hydrological data during 1980-1989 year in Luanxian hydrological station ,the vertical mixed run?off model and VIC model were selected to compare the simulation accuracy in Luanhe River Basin. On the basis of runoff simulation results,the effects of different evaporation inputs and different calculation step on runoff simulation were stud?ied. The results show that:comparing to the VIC model,the vertical mixed runoff model was more suitable for runoff simu?lation in Luanhe river basin,the relative error is less and the certainty factor is higher than VIC model;the runoff simula?tion results of 0.5 h step were better than 1h step,regardless of the runoff peak or the process of the flood;the evaporation that was calculated by penman-Monteith method can be as the evaporation input for the hydrological model in Luanhe Riv?er Basin,which has a better simulated result than the observed evaporation data. The outputs can provide a valuable refer?ence for the study of hydrological modeling and runoff simulation in Luanhe River Basin.
Haihe Water Resources
different hydrological models
different evaporation input
different step of rainfall input
simulation accuracy comparison
Luanhe River Basin