

On the Royal Mise Porcelain Factory in Yue-zhou
摘要 越州窑务即北宋初年在上虞广教寺附近设立的'官院',缘起于晚唐五代时期吴越国境内生产的秘色瓷器的'贡窑'。管理'越州窑务'的官员,当时统称为'监当官'。越州窑务的组织方式,沿袭了晚唐五代时期藩镇割据时代地方藩帅下属的官手工业,入宋以后,演变为中央政府下属的官手工业。宣徽院负责越州窑务官吏的选派和产品去向。北宋太祖、太宗、真宗三朝为越州窑务的鼎盛期。仁宗朝以后,越州窑务逐渐衰微。熙宁三年(公元1070年)以后越州窑务废止。北宋景德四年(公元1007年)以后,随着越窑秘色瓷器在汴京市场的上流通,使得豫西各窑厂仿制秘色瓷器成为可能。北宋中晚期豫西地区的'仿越'技术相当成功,宋徽宗时代宝丰清凉寺窑场在此基础上创烧出'汝官窑瓷器'。进入金朝以后,汝官窑技术传到豫西其他青瓷窑厂,随之出现了'钧窑瓷器'。 Yue—Zhou Yao—wu,which is known as the Royal Mise Porcelain Factory,was set up in the early years of Northern Song Dynasty in today’s Shangyu County,Zhejiang Province.The royal porcelain factory originated from Gong—yao(Tribute porcelain factory)producing Mise wares,which could only be used inside the Forbidden City during Later Tang and Five Dynasty period.The officer charging Yue—zhou Yao—Wu was classified as Jian—Dang officers in Song Dynasty.The administration of Yue—zhou Yao—wu originated from the handicraft organization under the local war lords during Later Tang period.The organization became a branch of the Central Government in Northern Song Dynasty.Xuan—Hui Institute sent out the officer to direct the process of production and to store the Mise wares made in Yue—Zhou Yao—wu.Yue—Zhou Yao—wu prospered during the administration of Tai—zu,Tai—zong and Zhen-zong period.It declined after Ren-zong’s administration,Yue—Zhou Yao—wu was dismissed in the third year of Xi—Ning(1070 AD).Yue-Zhou Yao—yu deeply influenced the pottery art in the west region of today’s Henan Province after the fourth year of Jing—De(1007 AD)because Mise wares were permitted to be sold publicly for common people in the market of Bian—Jing,the capital city of Northern Song Dynasty,thus the imitation activity in Western Henan area became possible.The technology in the porcelain factory in Western Henan was very successful after that.The Ru—kiln technology became well enough to make Royal Ru Wares during Hui—zong period.The technology of Official Ru wares was learned by other porcelain factories after Jin Dvnasty.The products are known as Jun wares.
作者 李民举 Li Minju(Cleveland,Ohio 44122,USA)
机构地区 克利夫兰市
出处 《黄河文明与可持续发展》 2013年第2期101-116,共16页 Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development
关键词 越州 窑务 贡窑 宣徽院 土贡 监当官 秘色 Royal Mise Porcelain Factory in Yuezhou(Yue-Zhou Yao-wu越州窑务) Tribute Porcelain Factory(Gong-yao贡窑) Xuan-Hui Institute(Xuan-Hui Yuan宣徽院) Tribute(Tu-Gong土贡) Jian-Dang Officers(Jian-dang Guan监当官) Mise Wares(Mi-se秘色)
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