In recent years, the phenomenon of "Boy Students Crisis," i.e. the boy students are much fewer in numbers than girl students, in Jiangsu provincial universities and colleges has been gradually highlighted. It is well worth noting that this kind of phenomenon is just opposite to the natural sex ratio in the whole country. The reasons for this particular phenomenon are closely related to the different natures and characters between boys and girls, and the existing educational system and external environment, etc. In order to have a fundamental solution to the problem, a further reform must be conducted to the existing educational examining system and mechanism of selecting talents. Or more accurately, the college entrance examination system in Jiangsu must get improved; the school education for boys should consider boys’ nature, and the society and family education should reward boys’ merits and avoid their weaknesses.
Enrollment and Examination in Hubei
Jiangsu provincial universities and colleges
phenomenon of "Boy Students Crisis"
analysis and countermeasures