美国大学入学考试主要以SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)与ACT(American College Testing)这两种为代表。SAT与ACT在出题机构、试卷构成、题型、评分标准以及考试日期上均有所不同。但是,两者在申请美国大学时的作用与效力是相同的。本文尝试通过介绍美国大学入学考试的历史沿革,结合美国高校招生制度的现状,探讨美国大学招生考试改革对我国落实高考招生改革的启示。
Gaokao in America takes on two broad categories: SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)and ACT(American College Test), which are different from each other in their question-setting agencies, test-paper structures, test items, grading criteria and test timetable. Despite their distinctions, the two types of tests enjoy the same reliability and validity for the candidates to apply for their colleges.The present article, in order to get some insights into our gaokao in China, intends to have a brief introduction to the history, development and current situation of SAT and ACT of America.
Enrollment and Examination in Hubei